Radnor Capability Brochure

Our brochure contains details of many of the services we offer at Radnor Range. You can download PDF copies of individual pages from our brochure detailing specific services by clicking on the links below.
If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Test & Evaluation capability statements
Armour Vehicle Testing & Certification:
Licensed and dedicated facility permitting manufacturing, storage, breakdown and assembly of ammunition with experience and trained staff.
Research and Development Facility:
Fully remote controlled Licensed Process Buildings. Ability to process cast, extrudable and pressed compositions with experienced and trained staff.
Explosive Disposal – End of Life Reliability Screening:
Radnor is a licensed waste transfer facility able to dispose of conventional ammunition, civil and military explosives as well as pyrotechnics by burning, detonation or functioning.
Material, Ammunition and Weapon Testing:
Radnor offers a unique combination of facilities enabling the testing of material, ammunition and weapon system products.
UN Series Testing:
Radnor is able to carry out an extensive list of tests in the UN Manual of Tests (Orange Book).